Giant sensitive tree
Mimosa pigra
Biosecurity Queensland must be contacted within 24 hours of sighting, call: 13 25 23.
Category 2, 3, 4, 5 Restricted Matter (Biosecurity Act 2014)
Cat 2 Must be reported to Biosecurity inspector or authorised person. Cat 3 Must not be distributed, Cat4 Must not be moved Cat 5 Must not be possessed or kept under your control.
Common names
Giant sensitive tree, Sensitive tree, Thorny sensitiveplant, Bashful bush, Catclaw mimosa, Giant mimosa, Mimosa.
Biosecurity Queensland must be contacted within 24 hours 13 25 23., An upright prickly shrub with twice-compound leaves. Its leaves often have small prickles on their stalks and consist of 6-16 pairs of branchlets, each bearing 20-45 pairs of small leaflets. These leaves are sensitive and fold together when touched or during the night. Its flowers are pale pink or mauve in colour and arranged in fluffy globular clusters (10-20 mm across). Its flattened, elongated pods are covered in bristly hairs and break up into about twenty one-seeded segments when mature.
Giant sensitive tree (Mimosa pigra) is regarded as a significant environmental weed in the Northern Territory, and as a potentially significant environmental weed in Queensland and Western Australia. This species is one of the 20 Weeds of National Significance (WoNS) in Australia, largely due to its impact on natural ecosystems, and is actively weed managed by community groups in the Northern Territory.
Similar Species
Similar Species
Giant sensitive tree (Mimosa pigra) is regarded as a significant environmental weed in the Northern Territory, and as a potentially significant environmental weed in Queensland and Western Australia. This species is one of the 20 Weeds of National Significance (WoNS) in Australia, largely due to its impact on natural ecosystems, and is actively weed managed by community groups in the Northern Territory.